CareTips®, certified Flustix Plastic Free

Lactips’ CareTips® 300D grade complies with the new DIN CERTCO Flustix Plastic Free certification. The coveted “Plastic Free” label is explained.


What is the DIN CERTCO Plastic Free label?

Flustix Plastic Free is a sustainability label, awarded by DIN CERTCO – the certification body of the TÜV Rheinland Group, for plastic-free products. Flustix analyses products and supply chains and then labels approved items with the Flustix certification marks. Flustix supports alternatives to plastic and communicates sustainability for innovative brands.


What are the current ways to prove that polymers are plastic-free?

As a first step, under REACH (1907/2006 EC), natural polymers that have not been chemically modified are not considered a “plastic”, and are therefore excluded from the scope of the Single Use Directive. Therefore, CareTips® material is considered to be a natural polymer, which is why it is not considered a plastic from a regulatory perspective.

Secondly, polymers can be declared plastic-free by means of demanding labels such as the DIN CERTCO Flustix Plastic Free certification. In this way, analyses are carried out by an independent laboratory to check the composition of the material or product and to certify that it is completely free of plastic.

For which applications is this relevant?

The Plastic Free label is an interesting way to give credibility to our customers’ environmental claims and to highlight their environmental approach. Indeed, many everyday products contain plastics and this is not necessarily visible: paper packaging or water-soluble packaging for example. This certification allows us to quickly identify products for which a significant effort to reduce plastics has been made!

With CareTips® you can, for example, replace the plastic layer that provides the grease barrier on paper packaging and seals it, while at the same time communicating that the packaging is plastic-free.

Plastic-free coating of paper packaging

